Serving Current and Future Members


ICPC strives to develop professional law enforcement chaplains through dynamic education and support and to provide the means for an effective law enforcement chaplaincy program in every agency around the world. To do that, ICPC is focused on serving both its current members and its future members. 

Information for Future ICPC Members

Explore the information shown here to learn more about ICPC, the benefits of ICPC membership, and how to join ICPC.

ICPC is the world's leading membership, training, and advocacy association for law enforcement chaplaincy.
When you join ICPC, you become part of a large family of chaplains who desire to learn, share, and support each other.
Are you ready to join chaplains from around the world who are enjoying the benefits of ICPC membership?

Information for Current ICPC Members

Explore the information shown here to learn more about ICPC's credentialing program and recognition program.

ICPC credentialing program recognizes members' ongoing continuing education, training, involvement, and expertise.

ICPC recognizes the dedication and achievements of chaplains and liaison officers through five unique types of awards.